Looking back! 14th Identity & Cloud Summit 2023

Our summit was once again an absolute highlight, during which we dealt intensively with many exciting topics. 

The presentation “Our journey with IDABUS – The path from MIM 2016 to the cloud”, based on a real customer situation, gave us an impressive insight into the development of this pioneering solution. Another success in the further development of IDABUS is the new Data Flow component. This enables extremely fast inheritance of any data, e.g. within organizational structures.    

An absolutely fascinating topic was the complexity of approval processes and how this can be countered with IDABUS. The possibilities of delegation and escalation were also discussed. The presentation “Between the worlds – direct communication with IDABUS from/to applications” was also impressive. An innovative solution was presented here: Data maintenance from within IDM to support migrations and minimize the number of interfaces.

We dealt with the topic of“Direct connection to Entra – provisioning/synchronization from IDABUS”, where we were introduced to an innovative PowerShell function. We also gained valuable insights from Alexander Puchta from Nexis in his presentation “Making IAM-Life easier: Up-to-date authorization concepts at the touch of a button!“, who showed us how complex authorization concepts can be implemented easily and in a modern way.  

Another highlight was the presentation “IDABUS investigates – who is the perpetrator? This presentation showed very clearly how IDABUS can help to identify and uncover “culprits” by linking reports, logs and object histories. The demonstration of IDABUS and MIM Monitoring in OCG support was also very interesting, as IDABUS offers a native interface for transmission to the IoT hub and thus significantly minimizes the installation effort.

We were also able to learn more about the topic of “Entra Permission Management in Cloud Infrastructures”. Markus Wilhelm-Köstner from Microsoft showed us how the functionalities for controlling authorizations are a useful addition to a comprehensive ZeroTrust strategy.  

The event concluded with a discussion round with our experts, in which we summarized the most important findings of the summit. The event at Stadthalle Erding was a great event that enriched us with valuable information, inspiring ideas and exciting discussions.  

If you are interested in one of the topics or would like to find out more about the modern IAM platform IDABUS Identity Solution in a workshop, then it is best to book a demo.

We would also like to thank Caroline Voit for the great moderation and Sabine Zeiler-Babisch from Foto-Zeiler for the wonderful photos!

View impressions from the Summit

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